Learn to use this system with confidence.
The economic function is to only move value.
Systems utilizing this function can create value.
Conversion should be simple. Flexible.
Privacy isn't part of the design but a side effect of smart engineering.
An account is from the start nothing more then a membership with the site or business. It can have funds from the start or require a fee to open and deposit a starting amount. Members can create profiles to better inform the business about preferences in stock and trends. Profiles can be made public or private. But the policy should be plain to the user when signing up.
A reserve account is nothing more then a number representing the value of what ever is accepted for it. In the real world. Money. A person can be taken through a gateway which will allow them to create a pin number and then "charge" their account with reserves at whatever conversion rate is wished. For example: $50 might buy 8000 reserves. This 8000 reserves can then be used to pay for a "gram of green plant matter hint* hint* lol." at 1000 reserves per gram.
There are several ways to use this system; Public Listings, Selling House Inventory, and Physical Trades. There are certainly more ways to use this but currently that is what is programmed.
-Public Listings are trades put up by the public or possibly only trusted sources. These trades use only reserves as the tender.
-House Inventory could be anything a business has guaranteed stock of. Items can be sold for only reserves or any other number of virtual to tangible currencies. Reward/Loyalty points or credits is an example of a possible extra virtual currency which the business itself issues.
-Physical Trades allow an exchange of goods in the real world. This is possible thanks to banknotes. The banknote stores a finite amount of reserves to be used in a transaction. After the transaction, the seller then returns the banknote to its source bank and the funds are then deposited into their account.
News: Map is coming together nicely! pic.twitter.com/Zbxd9cXYqw
— Owner (@Justiscraft) September 12, 2023
The Blog hosts updates, interesting reads, vlog releases. Bored? Give it a read!
blogThe new IP: betahut.bounceme.net
5 New Websites: Betahut Video Hosting is a free, no login needed, VideoPlayer with live chat and comments! Betahut Hosting is a free, no login needed Minecraft Server host for use with youtube/friends/lonelyness whatever you need, though it's only vanilla and the most recent version 1.21.1, SwiftPost is a free, no login needed social release feed for posting new things to do online, FileShare is a free filesharing website all by itself!Pastenote is a free codeshare website where you can sell code/plaintext/anything using a paypal email!
Justiscraft: I am proud to announce the retirement of the pixelmon server Justiscraft. I will be keeping a vanilla neoforge server up for as long as I can each day though! And For those looking for the Justiscraft Region Map release
Justiscraft Pixelmon Server Map: Justiscraft Region Map for Minecraft Mod Pixelmon
[May, 10th 10:38 pm]Justiscraft
New Post, Sharing 4 Freeware Programs for Social Websites https://t.co/miVTzPxUSh
— Vikerus Forrest (@VikerusForrest) August 2, 2024
Just join. It's the most fun you'll have in Minecraft since your first day in game! ^-^ |
Item Id | Type | Name | Cost in points or gold or reserves | ||
"; echo $itemsz->itemid . " "; echo " | "; echo $itemsz->type . " "; echo " | "; echo $itemsz->itemname . " "; echo " | "; echo $itemsz->costpoints . " "; echo " | "; echo $itemsz->costgold . " |
Signup with us and gain features like trading, buying, and transfering on the Reserves Exchange. Every account gets 10 Free points. Sign-Up
We have invested in top quality metal for our dedicated server!
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