host = $host; $this->port = $port; $this->timeout = $timeout; if ($resolveSRV) { $this->resolveSRV(); } } public static function fromAddress(string $host, $timeout = 2, $resolveSRV = true): self { $addressParts = explode(':', $host); $host = $addressParts[0]; if (count($addressParts) > 1) { $port = (int) $addressParts[1]; } else { $port = 25565; } return new self($host, $port, $timeout, $resolveSRV); } /** * @throws MinecraftQueryException */ public function getResult(bool $tryOldQueryProtocolPre17 = false): MinecraftQueryResult { return MinecraftQueryResult::fromRawData($this->getRawData($tryOldQueryProtocolPre17)); } /** * @throws MinecraftQueryException */ public function getRawData(bool $tryOldQueryProtocolPre17 = false): array { if ($this->rawData === null) { try { $this->retrieveData(); } catch (MinecraftQueryException $e) { if (!$tryOldQueryProtocolPre17) { throw $e; } } } if ($tryOldQueryProtocolPre17 && $this->rawData === null) { $this->retrieveDataPre17(); } return $this->rawData; } /** * @throws MinecraftQueryException */ public function retrieveData(): void { $timeStart = microtime(true); $socket = $this->createSocket(); stream_set_timeout($socket, $this->timeout); $preparedData = "\x00"; $preparedData .= "\x04"; $preparedData .= pack('c', strlen($this->host)) . $this->host; $preparedData .= pack('n', $this->port); $preparedData .= "\x01"; $preparedData = pack('c', strlen($preparedData)) . $preparedData; fwrite($socket, $preparedData); fwrite($socket, "\x01\x00"); $length = $this->readPacketLength($socket); fgetc($socket); $length = $this->readPacketLength($socket); $jsonData = ''; do { $remainder = $length - strlen($jsonData); $block = fread($socket, $remainder); $jsonData .= $block; } while (strlen($jsonData) < $length); fclose($socket); $timeEnd = microtime(true); $this->rawData = (array) json_decode($jsonData, true); $this->rawData['latency'] = (int) ($timeEnd * 1000 - $timeStart * 1000); } /** * @throws MinecraftQueryException */ public function retrieveDataPre17(): void { $timeStart = microtime(true); $socket = $this->createSocket(); fwrite($socket, "\xFE\x01"); $data = fread($socket, 512); $len = strlen($data); $data = substr($data, 3 ); $data = iconv('UTF-16BE', 'UTF-8', $data); fclose($socket); $timeEnd = microtime(true); if ($data[1] === "\xA7" && $data[2] === "\x31") { $data = explode("\x00", $data); $this->rawData = [ 'version' => [ 'protocol' => (string) $data[1], 'name' => (string) $data[2] ], 'description' => [ 'text' => (string) $data[3] ], 'players' => [ 'online' => (int) $data[4], 'max' => (int) $data[5] ] ]; } else { $data = explode("\xA7", $data); $this->rawData = [ 'version' => [ 'protocol' => 39, 'name' => '1.3' ], 'description' => [ 'text' => substr((string) $data[0], 0, -1) ], 'players' => [ 'online' => isset($data[1]) ? (int) $data[1] : 0, 'max' => isset($data[2]) ? (int) $data[2] : 0 ] ]; } $this->rawData['latency'] = (int) ($timeEnd * 1000 - $timeStart * 1000); } /** * @throws MinecraftQueryException * @return resource */ private function createSocket() { $socket = @fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errNo, $errStr, $this->timeout); return $socket; } /** * @param resource $socket * @throws MinecraftQueryException */ private function readPacketLength($socket): int { $i = 0; $j = 0; while (true) { $k = @fgetc($socket); if ($k === false) { return 0; } $k = ord($k); $i |= ($k & 0x7F) << $j++ * 7; if (($k & 0x80) != 128) { break; } } return $i; } private function resolveSRV(): void { if (filter_var($this->host, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { return; } $dnsRecord = @dns_get_record('_minecraft._tcp.' . $this->host, DNS_SRV); if (!$dnsRecord || count($dnsRecord) === 0) { return; } if (isset($dnsRecord[0]['target'])) { $this->host = $dnsRecord[0]['target']; } if (isset($dnsRecord[0]['port'])) { $this->port = $dnsRecord[0]['port']; } } } namespace MinecraftQuery; class MinecraftQueryResult { /** @var string */ private $version; /** @var int */ private $protocolVersion; /** @var int */ private $onlinePlayers; /** @var int */ private $maxPlayers; /** @var array */ private $playersSample; /** @var string */ private $messageOfTheDay; /** @var string */ private $favicon; /** @var int */ private $latency; public function __construct( string $version, int $protocolVersion, int $onlinePlayers, int $maxPlayers, array $playersSample, string $messageOfTheDay, int $latency, ?string $favicon ) { $this->version = $version; $this->protocolVersion = $protocolVersion; $this->onlinePlayers = $onlinePlayers; $this->maxPlayers = $maxPlayers; $this->playersSample = $playersSample; $this->messageOfTheDay = $messageOfTheDay; $this->latency = $latency; $this->favicon = $favicon; } public function getVersion(): string { return $this->version; } public function getProtocolVersion(): int { return $this->protocolVersion; } public function getOnlinePlayers(): int { return $this->onlinePlayers; } public function getMaxPlayers(): int { return $this->maxPlayers; } public function getPlayersSample(): array { return $this->playersSample; } public function getMessageOfTheDay(): string { return $this->messageOfTheDay; } public function getFavicon(): ?string { return $this->favicon; } public function getLatency(): int { return $this->latency; } public static function fromRawData(array $rawData): self { return new self( isset($rawData['version']['name']) ? $rawData['version']['name'] : 'Unknown version', isset($rawData['version']['protocol']) ? (int) $rawData['version']['protocol'] : 0, isset($rawData['players']['online']) ? (int) $rawData['players']['online'] : 0, isset($rawData['players']['max']) ? (int) $rawData['players']['max'] : 0, isset($rawData['players']['sample']) ? (array) $rawData['players']['sample'] : [], isset($rawData['description']) ? (is_array($rawData['description']) ? self::readMessageOfTheDay($rawData['description']) : (string) $rawData['description']) : '', (int) $rawData['latency'], isset($rawData['favicon']) ? (string) $rawData['favicon'] : null ); } private static function readMessageOfTheDay(array $description): string { $messageOfTheDay = ''; if (isset($description['extra'])) { foreach ($description['extra'] as $extra) { if (isset($extra['extra'])) { $messageOfTheDay .= self::readMessageOfTheDay($extra); } $messageOfTheDay .= ($extra['text'] ?? ''); } } return $messageOfTheDay . ($description['text'] ?? ''); } } require_once 'includes/db_connect.php'; require_once 'includes/functions.php'; require_once 'includes/pdo_bk_connect.php'; require_once 'includes/pdo_connect.php'; error_reporting(0); sec_session_start(); ?>
— Josh Anderson (@TheMcListingVic) March 25, 2018Top Video Games
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