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1> make all filters, effects and features effect and change the live out put of the webcam sensor to the cpu and each shall have a toggle to be on or not 2> all post processing is to enchance the notification of anomalies in the light situation 3> gain is a feature of each filter and effect and shall also have a toggle to be on or not 4> advance the programs scope and technological level each time it's edited and added to 5> the program shall out put all light sources lengths calcualted accurate and precicsely 6> all changes to the feed shall be toggleable as a sound inclusion or not 7> post processing also has toggles for sound affection or not and has intensity setting 8> one screen output panel must cause gain to the light senario 9> represent the earliest light/wave pattern changes in its own video feed 10> advance the advanced_features.php 11> name each anomaly found and detail how to find it by listing the settings used to find it in a json file 12> make a master set of dials to change the sound output of the videos liveness just like a nice amp with effects and loop control 13> make a drop down filter that mimics crystal video feed settings with different crystal types and sweep for frequecys 14> make a complete function for listing laws found in the sound output on the index 15> make a drop down of light/impluse/sound/and all other ways of turning the sensors image data into sound 16> make a master volume with gas states as filters for the speed of sound to be modulated for hearing anmolies 17> out put all frequecys light,sound and spin, detected as a graph for viewing 18> using math list the age of sound being heard by correlating its light distance using also imperial equations to see a fragment of light enhanced by a slider to detect its origins and time dialations 19> make an speed of sounds and light calcualtion and display the most prevelent modulations of the calculations as choices for amplification 20> add all afterglow/browning light effects from the sun and the moon, try to measure the distances of these effects and output the data in a chat area 21> use brain.js as a toggle for finding the deepest and shallowest sounds and light measurements and have it output a video feed of its own choices 22> make sliders for each earliest and latest update type and add a resolution feature to the master control 23> make an alogorithum that hears pipes tubes and other anomolies such as shapes 24> make a fully functional spacializer feature with WoW sound sonar added to the output as a color 25> do step 4 by expanding on anything that seems incomplete. 26> add a custom equation input area for like filtering further and make a feed of its effect 27> add a modulator that causes dialation for increases in the mass in the equation e=mc^2 where the constant can be lowered to show change in the feed output 28> add toggles for audio output on each video feed 29> add a star fire filter and gain slider:

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